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2024-12-14 01:30:10

Analysis and interpretation of artificial intelligence, military industry, photovoltaic, Hong Kong stocks and other technologies!4. With the smooth landing of the consumer price index (CPI) in November, the door was opened for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by 25 basis points in December. The Hang Seng Technology Index of Hong Kong stocks, which fell for two consecutive trading days, ushered in a quick recovery today. However, due to the rebound of inflation rate, the market is worried that the Fed will stage a "hawkish interest rate cut" next Wednesday, which brings uncertainty to the market outlook.

3. It broke out in intraday trading that the United States will increase import tariffs on solar silicon wafers, polysilicon and some tungsten products imported from China from January 1, 2025. Among them, silicon wafers and polysilicon are increased to 50%, while tungsten products are increased to 25%, which greatly interferes with the trend of photovoltaic panels throughout the day. It can be seen that as long as the trend is slightly better, the suppression will follow.1. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence AI, people's lifestyles have been changed in the fields of finance, education, medical care, etc., which shows that AI has directly moved from a hype concept to practical application, and created profits for major R&D enterprises, which will help the artificial intelligence sector to climb the peak again.

Analysis and interpretation of artificial intelligence, military industry, photovoltaic, Hong Kong stocks and other technologies!4. With the smooth landing of the consumer price index (CPI) in November, the door was opened for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by 25 basis points in December. The Hang Seng Technology Index of Hong Kong stocks, which fell for two consecutive trading days, ushered in a quick recovery today. However, due to the rebound of inflation rate, the market is worried that the Fed will stage a "hawkish interest rate cut" next Wednesday, which brings uncertainty to the market outlook.

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